What would you do if you had the confidence you wouldn’t fail? What would you pursue or where would you go if you knew it was a real possibility? All too often we allow doubt, fear, and other kinds of negative baggage get in the way of exploring our dreams.
What if we were able to change that perspective within ourselves and shed that negativity and fear? Reclaim your life and create the story you want by starting with 100 wishes. Begin by writing a list of accomplishments that you would love to make before your physical body says farewell to this friendly universe.
This list can consist of places you would like to visit, people you would like to meet, things you would like to achieve, awards you would like to win, and experiences you would like to have. Doing this exercise should help you identify what matters to you, what your priorities are, and some directions you should head to accomplish those wishes.
To give you a few ideas, wishes should enhance your life; they might include exciting one-off things like, learn another language, visit every state, experience every national park, learn how something is made or how something works that inspires you, meet someone famous or who you admire, run a marathon, or climb a mountain.
You may have an inclination to write something like “make a lot of money,” but money is just a means to an end. What’s the end? Why you want to make a lot of money? Is it because you want to go somewhere? Where is you want to go? Is it because you want freedom? Freedom to do what exactly? If you still want to put down something about money, make sure it’s specific, like a certain amount per year or a net worth goal.
If you are struggling to write anything, ask yourself what is keeping you from making big wishes? Did you really put that bag of limiting thoughts away? Come at this with a free spirit! The kid in you likely wouldn’t have had much of a problem writing a list of wishes, would they?
If you aren’t convinced this is beneficial, or you think this is a waste of time, you might be interested that the venerated college football coach Lou Holtz did a similar exercise when he was 28. He wrote down 107 things he wanted to accomplish in life. At the time, he was without a job and financially struggling with a third child on the way. He crammed his list with bold ideas like winning a National Championship in college football, meeting the pope, and having dinner at the White House. To date, now well into his eighties, he has reportedly accomplished 103 of the items on the original list.
So, have a little fun, use your imagination, and take 30 minutes to start writing your list without thinking too much. You might learn something about yourself! Let it flow and be prepared to allow yourself to explore new possibilities without fear and doubt.